NDA Complete Guide, 

Everything about NDA

Tue Jan 17, 2023

A Complete Pathway to NDA 

The National Defence Academy is an iconic institution and hallmark of global excellence in the sphere of military education in INDIA.

 Important Points to be known

  • Married females and married male candidates are not eligible to apply for NDA Exam.
  • The date of birth mentioned in the application must be the same as that entered in the Matriculation/ 10th/ Secondary School Leaving Certificate.
  • Candidates need to submit certificates for proof of age after the declaration of the result of the written exam.
  • Candidates must undertake not to marry until they complete their full training. A candidate who marries subsequent to the date of his application though successful at this or any subsequent Examination will not be selected for training. A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditures incurred on him by the Government.
Candidates willing to appear for the NDA examination must go through the detailed NDA Syllabus and exam pattern to kickstart their preparation. NDA Eligibility – Nationality / Citizenship Candidates willing to appear for the National Defence Academy or Naval Academy exam are required to fulfil the NDA eligibility condition in terms of Nationality Or Citizenship. Only the aspirants who fulfil the following conditions of nationality will be allowed to appear for the examination.
  1. A citizen of India, or
  2. A subject of Nepal, or
  3. A subject of Bhutan, or
  4. A Tibetan refugee permanently settled in India from and before January 1, 1962.
  5. A person of Indian origin migrated from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, Malawi, Zaire, Zambia, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
  6.  Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (2), (3), (4) and (5) presents a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India to the recruiting body. However, the Certificate of eligibility will not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal. 
 Eligibility for NDA – Education Qualification

The Union Public Service Commission has set a minimum level of education qualification that a candidate must possess to be eligible for the NDA examination. Aspirants must have passed at least the 12th Board exam to appear for NDA/NA examination. The detailed NDA education Qualification required is highlighted below:

Education Qualification – NDA Eligibility
For Army Wing of NDA 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University.
For Air Force and Naval Wings of NDA 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics conducted by a State Education Board or a University.
For the 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme at the Indian Naval Academy 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics conducted by a State Education Board or a University.

Important pointers –
  • Aspirants appearing in Class 12th or equivalent examination are eligible to apply
  • Aspirants who are appearing in the 11th class exam are not eligible for this examination
  • Those candidates who have yet to qualify in the 12th class or equivalent examination and are allowed to appear provided they submit proof of passing the 12th class or equivalent examination by the prescribed date (i.e. 24th June 2023) and no request for extending this date will be entertained on the grounds of late conduct of Board/University Examination, delay in declaration of results or any other ground whatsoever.
  • NDA & NA Recommended details and cut off marks Click Here
  • NDA & NA(II)-2022  QP- Mathematics Click Here
  • NDA & NA(II)-2022 QP- General Ability Test Click Here
  • 13.05.22Final Notice of NDA&NA (II) Exam, 2022 (English) Click here
  • Final Notice of NDA&NA _I_ Exam, 2023 _English_15.12.22 Latest Click Here
NDA Eligibility – Physical Standards 
 To fulfil the NDA Eligibility, applicants must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination as per guidelines mentioned in the notification. Depending on the position for which a candidate is applying, the NDA eligibility requirements for physical fitness change a little. It must be noted that a candidate will not be qualified to register for the NDA exam in 2022 if he or she has left or withdrawn from any of the training academies of the Armed Forces due to disciplinary reasons. Below is a list of the prerequisite NDA physical requirements. NDA Eligibility: Height and Weight Requirement: Indian Army: Height and Weight Requirements for Female NDA (Army) Candidates: Under no circumstances will weights below the minimum allowed be accepted. In age-specific categories, the maximum allowable weight for height has been set. Only candidates with verified evidence of body building, wrestling, or boxing at the national level will have weights over the permitted limit. In such circumstances, the following requirements must be satisfied.
  • The BMI should be less than 25.
  • Male and female waist-hip ratios should be less than 0.9 and 0.8, respectively.
  • For men, the ideal waist circumference is 90 cm, and for women, 80 cm.
  • The range of all biochemical metabolic measures should be normal.
  • 10% variation on the higher side of average acceptable.
  • Height relaxable up to 2 cm where the Medical Board certifies that the candidate is likely to grow and come up to the required standard on completion of his training.
  • Exemption of 2 cm in minimum height standard is given to candidates of Lakshadweep region.
  • The minimal height requirement for female candidates to join the armed forces is 152 cm and for male candidates is 157cm.
  • Candidates from the North Eastern Hills of India, the Garhwal and Kumaon regions, as well as Gorkhas, will be allowed with a minimum height of 148 cm for females and 152cm for male candidates.
  • An allowance for growth of 02 cm will be made for candidates below 18 yrs at the time of examination.
  • The Flying Branch requires a minimum height of 163 cm. Other anthropometric requirements set forth by Flying Branch include sitting height, leg length and thigh length.
Indian Navy : 
Height and Weight Standards for Male and Female candidates in Indian Navy
Height (In cms) Weight (in kgs) for Different Age Groups
20 years 18 years 16 years
152 46 45 44
155 47 46 45
157 49 47 46
160 50 48 47
162 52 50 48
165 53 52 50
167 55 53 52
170 57 55 53
173 59 57 55
175 61 59 57
178 62 61 59
180 64 63 61
183 67 65 63
Aspirants who wish to join the Navy are required to fulfil the following requirements –
  • Sitting Height: The minimum of 81.50 cm and the maximum is 96 cm
  • Leg Length: The minimum of 99 cms and maximum of 120 cms
  • Thigh Length: Maximum of 64 cms
Only candidates with verified evidence of bodybuilding, wrestling, or boxing at the national level will have weights over the permitted limit. In such circumstances, the following requirements must be satisfied.
  • The BMI should be less than 25.
  • Males should have a waist-to-hip ratio that is less than 0.9 and females less than 0.8.
  • Males should have a waist circumference under 90 cm, and ladies should have one under 80 cm.
  • The range of all biochemical metabolic measures should be normal.
Indian Air Force: 

Height and Weight Standards for Male candidates in Indian Air Force
Height in cm Weight in kg for Different Age Groups
16-17 years 17-18 years 18-19 years
152 42.5 44.0 45.0
155 43.5 45.3 47.0
157 45.0 47.0 48.0
160 46.0 48.0 49.0
162 48.0 50.0 51.0
165 50.0 52.0 53.0
167 51.0 53.0 54.0
170 52.5 55.0 56.0
173 54.5 57.0 58.0
175 56.0 59.0 60.0
178 58.0 61.0 62.0
180 60.0 63.0 64.5
183 62.5 65 66
Flying Branch requires a minimum height of 162.5 cm. For such aircrew, the following measures for sitting height, thigh length, and leg length are acceptable:
  • Minimum sitting height: 81.5 cm 96.0 cm is the maximum
  • Minimum Leg Length: 99.0 cm No more than 120.0 cm
  • Maximum Thigh Length: 64.0 cm.
  • Entry into Ground Duty branches will require a minimum height of 157.5 cm.
The minimum permissible height will be 5 cm less for Gorkhas and people from Uttarakhand’s hilly regions and North-Eastern India (152.5 cm). The minimum allowable height for candidates from Lakshadweep might be lowered by 2 centimetres (155.5 cm). Height and Weight Standards for Female candidates in Indian Air Force
Height (in cm) Age Range (in Years) / Weight (in Kgs)
15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19
147 38 40 41 42
148 39 40 42 43
149 39 41 42 43
150 40 41 43 44
152 41 42.5 44 45
155 42 43.5 45.3 47
157 43 45 47 48
160 45 46.5 48 49
162 46 48 50 51
165 48 50 52 53
167 49 51 53 54
170 51 52.5 55 56
173 52.5 54.5 57 58
175 54.5 56 59 60
178 56 58 61 62
180 58.5 60 63 64.5
183 61 62.5 65 66.5
Flying Branch requires a minimum height of 162.5 cm. For such aircrew, the following measures for sitting height, thigh length, and leg length are acceptable: –
  • Minimum sitting height: 81.5 cm 96.0 cm is the maximum
  • Minimum Leg Length: 99.0 cm No more than 120.0 cm
  • Maximum Thigh Length: 64.0 cm
  • Entry into Ground Duty branches will require that you be 152 cm tall minimum.
The minimum permissible height will be 5 cm less for Gorkhas and people from Uttarakhand’s hilly regions and North-Eastern India (147 cm). The minimum allowable height for candidates from Lakshadweep might be lowered by 2 centimetres (150 cm). Only under extraordinary circumstances will weights above the maximum be permitted for candidates (both men and women) who can provide proof of their participation in bodybuilding, boxing, and wrestling. However, in certain circumstances, the following requirements must be satisfied:
  • BMI needs to be under 27.
  • Male and female Waist Hip Ratios should be less than 0.9 and 0.8, respectively.
  • For males, the ideal waist circumference is 94 cm, and for females, 89 cm.
  • Every biochemical metabolic metric ought to fall within the normal range.
NDA Eligibility – Visual Standards The following visual standards must be met to be eligible for NDA exam:
NDA – Vision Standard For ARMY
Distance Vision (Corrected) Better Eye 6/6; Worse Eye 6/9
Colour vision CP-III (Defective Safe).
Myopia should not be more than -2.5D Hypermetropia should not be more than +3.5D
NDA -Vision Standards for Air Force
Candidates who wear spectacle Not eligible for Air Force
Minimum distant vision 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in other correctable to 6/6 only for Hypermetropia
Colour vision CPI Hypermetropia: +2.0 D Sph Manifest Myopia: Nil Retinoscopic Myopia : 0.5 in any Meridian permitted Astigmatism : + 0.75 D Cyl (within + 2.0 D.Max)
NDA – Vision standard for Navy
  • Uncorrected without glass -6/6, 6/9
  • Corrected with glass – 6/6, 6/6
  • Limits of Myopia – –0.75
  • Limits of Hypermetropia – +1.5
  • Binocular vision – III
  • Limits of colour perception – I



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